About me

Hello, and welcome.

When I moved to Chesterfield in 2019, I'd recently been diagnosed with arthritis, I was burnt out, struggling with anxiety and I didn't feel like myself anymore.

I knew I needed to make some changes.

Though I'd been practising Yoga regularly since University, it didn't feel like it was helping me to regulate anymore. If anything, the strong dynamic classes I'd often go to seemed to be causing my body to become tenser and my mind busier.

These last 5 years have included some big lifestyle changes, plenty of unlearning unsupportive behaviour, letting go of unhelpful stories and exploring different healing practices.

Through extensive exploration, personal practice, mentorship and facilitator training, I have developed a comprehensive toolkit that I draw on to help myself manage my nervous system, care for my body and become a more embodied, authentic being.

In my spaces and sessions, I share these tools and practices to support you on your journey of rediscovery and help you take back control.

When not working, I love to spend my days adventuring Britain's wild spaces with my fiance and our long-legged pooch Milo and my evenings are spent curled up on the sofa reading or knitting.

With thanks for my teachers.

200hr Ashtanga Vinyasa | Yoga University

50hr Embodied Yin | Sacred Alchemy Yoga

25hr Trauma-Informed Teaching | Sacred Alchemy Yoga

40hr Restorative & Somatics | Laura Gilmore Yoga

40hr Yoga for Anxiety | Laura Gilmore Yoga

65hr Yoga for Stress, Burnout and Fatigue | Charlotte Watts Watts & Leah Barnett

30hr Fertility Yoga | Sally Parkes Yoga

20hr Chair Yoga | The Breathing Space Derby

30hr Yoga Nidra | Yoga Alliance

Press pause.

Let go.

Reconnect with yourself.


“It’s hard to find a yoga teacher you vibe with.

Bronwyn is one of those teachers.”

- Kevin

- Charlie

“I always really look forward to your classes Bronwyn. Love your energy!”

Got a question?

I’d love hear from you and see I can help you find space in your life.