Yoga Classes

Group Classes

I believe movement is essential to our wellbeing, both mentally and physically.

For me, yoga and somatic movement is a way every body can enjoy and connect with ourselves.

My yoga classes are designed to help you create more space in your life.

I’m the co-founder of We Are Kula, a Community Interest Company in Hasland, Chesterfield, bringing movement and mindfulness to the community.

If you’re looking to feel empowered in your daily life, I invite you to join one of my classes.

I also offer Private Classes

These can take place in the comfort of your home, online, or at Kula.


Sessions are an hour long.

Individual Sessions

£40 / hour

Block of 6 Sessions


The Retainer

Do you have goals for your practice?

Looking for ongoing support to keep your practice moving forward?

Or simply looking to carve out regular time for yourself?

This monthly package includes 2 x 1-hour private yoga classes a month.

£70 per month

Two-month minimum.

Styles I teach

Yoga is for every body.

Classes are open to all levels of yoga experience or fitness. In each class, I will offer variations for poses, so the practice is adaptable for your body. If you still are unsure or have questions, please get in touch.

  • This class serves to rebalance and deepen your mind-body connection by challenging your strength and flexibility, while at the same time cultivating relaxation and mindfulness.

    This steady-flowing practice combines longer-held postures (5-10 breaths) with fluid transitions, pranayama (breath work) and meditation.

    Whether you’re returning to your practice or are more experienced, this class is designed for every stage of your yoga journey, inviting you to explore your edge and respect your limits.

    The class is adaptable to meet the needs of the practitioners, but practitioners need to feel comfortable getting up and down off the floor.

  • This slower-paced class focuses on maintaining joint health and range of movement.

    Throughout the session, you'll practice a series of mindful movements designed to mobilise joints and build flexibility. All whilst keeping an awareness of the breath to promote a relaxation response within the body and mind.

    The class is adaptable to meet the needs of the practitioners, with limited need to get down or up off the floor.

    Ideal for beginners or those returning to Yoga.

  • A gentle stretch and movement class. Bolsters, blankets and other props may be used enabling you to settle deeper into your body and hold poses for longer.

    The perfect way to close the day.

  • A faster-paced class where we flow through a sequence of yoga asanas (postures) linked together with fluid movement and breath.

    This dynamic practice is curated to help challenge you and deepen your yoga practice, build strength and increase your mobility.

    Whilst adaptable, this class is aimed to challenge those who already have a yoga practice by inviting you to explore your edge and respect your limits.

  • A grounding and restorative yoga practice that combines gentle movement and longer-held postures.

    Beginning with gentle grounding somatic movements, we'll then move towards longer-held Yin postures. These longer-held poses target the fascia and other soft tissues in the body, creating the perfect opportunity to slow down and press reset on your nervous system.

    These classes are usually 90-minutes long.

Join my Yoga classes

Click below to see my regular classes at Kula.